About My Bill

How to read your bill:
- Account Number: Write this number on your check when you pay your bill. We will also need this number if you call or write.
- Current Billing: The amount you owe for the services provided since last month’s bill.
- Amount Due Now: The total amount you owe Conway Corporation.
- Due Date: The last day you can pay and not be subject to penalty charges.
- Gross Amount: The amount due if the bill is not paid by the due date.
- Name and Mailing Address: If this is incorrect, please notify us.
- Service Location: The address where the meters and any other services listed on the bill are provided.
- Service To: Date to which services were provided during the billing period.
- Usage Days: Number of days service was provided during the billing period.
- Usage Same Month Last Year: Compare this against current month’s usage.
- Readings Previous: The meter reading for last month.
- Readings Current: The meter reading for current month.
- Quantity: The amount of electricity in kilowatt hours used or the amount of water used in thousands of gallons.
- Billing Amount: The charges for each service provided.
- Itemized Telecom Charges: A per item listing of your current month’s video, internet and voice fees.
- Includes basic charge plus any premium network channel rates and/or extra set charges.
Online Bill Pay
Conway Corp offers payment options for customers interested in paying their bill by electronic check or debit or credit card. Paymentus, a third party automated payment service, accepts Discover, MasterCard or Visa. Please have your Conway Corp invoice and payment information close by as you will need both to proceed. Your account number can be found on the first page of your invoice in the top right corner. Paymentus will charge a service fee for each transaction. Click here to pay online.
Please note, if your account is subject to disconnect or has been disconnected for non-payment, you will need to contact customer service at 501-450-6000 with your payment confirmation number. Additional reconnection fees may apply.
Glossary of Terms
K.W.D.: Kilowatt Demand. Applies to nonresidential customers only.
Multiplier: Figure times the difference in your “to” and “from” meter readings will result in your electricity usage in kilowatt hours (KWH).
Past Due: Amount remaining unpaid from previous bills.
Electric Cut-In/Cut-Seal Charge: A cut-In fee is charged if service is connected after regular business hours or on weekends. A cut-seal charge is administered when a meter seal is cut by someone other than Conway Corporation personnel.
Water Cut-in Charge: See above.
Construction Meter Charge: Fee for installing temporary meters at construction sites.
Cable TV Charges: This amount includes the regular monthly cable charge plus any service charges or tampering fees.
Levelized Billing Option
Conway Corporation offers to qualifying customers a means to balance their monthly utility expenses. The levelized billing applies only to our electric service. If you think you might benefit from a levelized billing plan, please call or stop by our 650 Locust Street location and talk with an account manager.
Estimated Billing Procedures
Meters are read monthly. In the event of an equipment failure, your meter will be estimated. Estimates are determined by averaging the customer’s previous month’s usage and the usage for that same billing period a year ago.