Energy is an essential part of our daily lives. We use energy every day at home, at school and even when we’re playing. Energy powers our computers and televisions; gives us light in the dark and even heats and cools our home. Because energy is so important, it’s important to use it wisely by being efficient.
Energy conservation is any behavior that results in the use of less energy, while energy efficiency is the use of technology that requires less energy to perform the same function. Here are a few things kids can do to start saving energy at home:
- Turn off all lights, ceiling fans and appliances like the television when you leave a room.
- When it’s sunny outside, open the curtains and use the sunlight instead of turning on the lights.
- Don’t leave windows or doors open when the heat or air conditioning is on.
- Help hang clothes outside to dry on a sunny day instead of using the dryer.
- Ask your parents to install energy-saving CFL light bulbs and set the thermostat to 68 degrees in the winter and 78 in the summer.
Do you have some ideas and thoughts on how to conserve electricity and energy so we can power an energy smart future? Show Conway Corporation what you and your family do at home to conserve energy by entering the third annual Conway Corporation Energy Smart Poster and Essay Contest.
The poster contest is open to students K-4th grade in Conway. Students should use their imagination to create a drawing colored with crayons, markers, colored pencils or paints to illustrate the 2015 contest theme, “Powering an Energy Smart Future.” Entries will be judged on creativity and theme representation. Winning posters will be on display during Public Power Week, October 4-10. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place winners. The classroom of the overall winner will also be awarded $100 in that student’s name along with an Energy Smart pizza party.
The essay contest is open to students 5th-12th grade in Conway. Students should submit a typed essay of no more than 1,000 words on the 2015 contest theme, “Powering an Energy Smart Future.” Entries will be judged on content and syntax. The winning essays will be featured during Public Power Week, and cash prizes will awarded for first, second and third place to winners in two age categories: 5th-7th and 8th-12th.
All students K-12th who live in the Conway Corporation service area are eligible. Click here for an official entry form and contest rules. Entries should be submitted to participating teachers or postmarked to Conway Corporation 1307 Prairie Street Conway AR 72034 by Wednesday, September 30. Email essay entries in MS Word or .pdf format. A scanned copy of the entry form plus contact information must accompany all electronic submissions. Please put 2015 Essay Contest in the subject line.