FAQs & Troubleshooting

Looking for help with your Conway Corporation services? Find answers to frequently asked questions and more below. If you need additional assistance, please contact one of our customer care specialists at 501-450-6000. We have technical support available 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
We are proud to serve the Conway community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and are committed to providing you high-quality products at reasonable rates. If you have questions, comments or suggestions regarding Conway Corporation, we would love to hear from you.
The Cost of Power Adjustment is a separate line item on the Conway Corp electric bill which reflects the increases and decreases in the cost of power from our two percent ownership in generating plants in Arkansas and the power we buy on the wholesale power supply market.
A number of factors affect the cost of power including weather, demand, oil and gas prices, the cost to transport fuel and other items. Like other utilities, Conway Corp establishes retail rates to recover the cost of provided electric service to our customers. These costs include wages, materials, supplies and wholesale power purchases. Our retail rates do not fluctuate and a base power cost of $.04629 per kWh is included in our rates. If our true power costs exceed $.04629, the incremental increase is passed on to our customers.
Conway Corp does not make a profit on this charge. It is a pass through. If our true power costs are less than $.04629 per kWh, customers will see a credit on their bill.