Residential Energy Calculators
Home Energy Calculator
This calculator will provide you with estimates of energy use costs based on your inputs and will allow you to perform energy saving scenarios to pinpoint your opportunities for savings.
Appliance Calculator
How much does it really cost to use the appliances in your home? Here’s a quick way to get a feel for what your home’s appliances cost to operate.
Lighting Calculator
Compares the purchase price and cost to operate compact fluorescent lamps vs. incandescent lights.
Home Energy Library
Hundereds of pages of graphically rich and interactive resources for customers who want to know more about specific topics.
Interactive Energy Home
A graphically rich and interactive extensive library for exploring.
Fundamentals of Electricity
How the electric utility industry generates and delivers power to its customers covering Basics, Delivery, Safety and Generation.
Kids Korner
For kids and adults! Containing everything from energy-themed games to Teacher Lesson Plans. Kids Korner creates a rich kid-friendly environment to facilitate in energy education.