Business Electric Rates
Small Commercial Service
Facilities Charge
Demand Charge per kilowatt
Summer Rates Energy Charge per kilowatt hour
Winter Rates Energy Charge per kilowatt hour
Summer rates apply to billing months of June through September. Winter rates apply for the billing months of October through May.
Minimum: $23.00 plus $1.50 per KW times the highest demand established in the twelve months ending with the current month.
Large General Service
Facilities Charge
Demand Charge
Demand Charge per kilowatt in excess of 100 KW per KW
Energy Charge per kilowatt hour
Minimum: The demand charge for the current month, but not less than $1.75 per KW of the highest demand established during the 12 months ending with the current month.
Large Power Service
Facilities Charge
Demand Charge
Demand Charge per kilowatt in excess of 1000 KW per KW
Energy Charge per kilowatt hour
Minimum: The facilities charge plus the demand charge for the current month, but not less than $1.75 per KW of the highest demand established during the 12-months ending with the current month.
Institutional Service
Facilities Charge
Demand Charge per kilowatt
Energy Charge per kilowatt hour
Minimum: The demand charge for the current month, but not less than $3.50 per KW of the highest demand established during the 12-months ending with the current month.
Intensive Load Service
Facilities Charge
Demand Charge
Demand Charge per kilowatt in excess of 1000 KW per KW
Energy Charge per kilowatt hour
Minimum: The demand charge for the current month, but not less than $1.75 per KW of the highest demand established during the 12-months ending with the current month.
^Demand: All non-residential customers are subject to a demand charge based on each customer’s maximum 15-minute demand on the distribution system each month measured in kilowatts. Depending on the customer, the demand that the customer places on Conway Corp’s infrastructure varies. The demand charge is a fixed charge designed to recover some of that cost.
Conway Corp monitors demand over a 15-minute period. Customers are charged for the highest 15-minute average on the demand meter. After Conway Corp reads the meter each month, demand is reset to zero, and the meter starts over.
The KW, as shown by or computed from readings on the Corporation demand meter, for the 15-minute period of the customer’s greatest use during the month, but in no event less than 100 KW. Demand measurement may be made by a KVA demand meter or equivalent. The demand charge will be calculated on the higher of the registration of the KW or the registration in KVA times 0.9.
* This rate is subject to a 5% discount for service at primary voltage (13.8 KV).
** This rate is subject to a 5% discount for service at primary voltage (13.8 KV) when KW demand is in excess of 10,000 KW.
Cost of Power Adjustment – The above energy charges will be increased or decreased to reflect to the nearest one-thousandth (.001) mill per KWH the change in the cost of fuel and purchased power incurred by the Corporation for the supply of service hereunder, above or below 46.29 mills per KWH. Click here for more information about the Power Cost Adjustment.
All rates posted are representations of the approved rates. Any discrepancy between those posted on the website and actual approved rate documents will be resolved in favor of the approved rate documents.