Residential Electric Rates

Electric Rates

  • Facilities Charge


  • Summer Rates

    $0.0706 per kilowatt hour

  • Winter Rates

    $0.0651 per kilowatt hour

Summer rates will apply to billing months of June through September. Rates will be billed by billing date, not usage month.

Winter rates will apply to billing months of October through May. Rates will be billed by billing date, not usage month.

Cost of Power Adjustment – The above energy charges will be increased or decreased to reflect to the nearest one-thousandth (.001) mill per KWH the change in the cost of fuel and purchased power incurred by the Corporation for the supply of service hereunder, above or below 46.29 mills per KWH. Click here for more information about the Power Cost Adjustment.

Night-time Outdoor Lighting Service

  • L.E.D. Nightwatcher $6.95 per month for an existing pole or $11.95 per month for a new pole.
  • L.E.D. Floodlight $18.00 per month with an existing pole or $23.00 per month for a new pole.
  • A $50 per light installation fee will be charged on all outdoor lights.

Service Fees

  • Same day service hookup requested prior to 3 p.m.


  • Same day service hookup requested between 3 - 5 p.m.


  • Same day service hookup requested after 5 p.m.


  • Reconnection following shutoff for non-payment ( if paid during regular business hours)


  • Reconnection following shutoff for non-payment (if paid outside of regular business hours)


  • Insufficient checks


  • Tampering


    plus damage repair and estimate of unmetered service, as appropriate.

All rates posted are representations of the approved rates. Any discrepancy between those posted on the website and actual approved rate documents will be resolved in favor of the approved rate documents.

Payment: The net bill, computed in accordance with the net monthly rate, shall be due and payable upon presentation and shall apply for twenty (20) days.  A gross bill in the amount of net bill plus 2.5% will be due after twenty (20) days on all bills in excess of $100.

Click here for Net Metering Rules.