Paying your bills should be simple. That’s why Conway Corporation offers a free paperless statements service that let you receive your monthly statements online and still continue to pay however you want. With paperless statements, you’re in charge.
Convenience With paperless statements, there’s no more waiting by the mailbox. You will receive an email each month when your statement is ready to view, and you can access your account wherever you have an Internet connection. That means if you’re on a work trip, on a vacation or unexpectedly out of town, you can easily stay on top of your bills and never miss payment. You also have 24-hour access to your account and can view, download and print bills from the past 24 months. If you want a statement prior to 24 months, you can always ask our office to email or print one for you at no charge.
Security Paper bills can leave you vulnerable. According to the United States Postal Service, identity theft affects 9.9 million Americans each year costing victims nearly $5 billion dollars. Many of these cases occurred because an individual’s mail containing sensitive information was stolen from their mailbox – or from a statement that was thrown away without being put through a cross-shredder first. In fact, nearly 85 percent of identity theft is due to lost or stolen paper invoices. With paperless statements, you don’t have to worry about your bills being lost or stolen because you are the only one with the information to access your account.
Money Saving According to Harris Interactive, a staggering 23 percent of Americans incur late fees each year because of lost or misplaced paper bills. It’s easy to avoid that worry with paperless statements because your bills will never be misplaced or lost in the mail.
Payment Options With paperless statements, you can choose to pay however you want. You can pay online, by check or even stop by and see us in person – the choice is yours. With paperless statements, there are free online payment options or you can sign up for automatic bank draft and never worry about due dates or late fees again. The average home spends more than $50 a year on stamps just to mail payments – that can easily be eliminated by paying online. Receiving bills online makes paying bills online much easier. Rather than sitting in front of your computer with a stack of paperwork, you can check your card balances online and then instantly make the payment.
Environmentally Friendly The amount of paper Americans throw away is enough to heat more than 50 million homes for the next two decades. Since the average home receives nine bills a month, a lot of that paper is statements and envelopes. If only twenty percent of U.S. households switched to paperless statements, the impact every year would save 135 million gallons of gasoline; avoid 720 thousand tons of greenhouse gas and save 147 million pounds of paper which equates to saving 2 million trees. The less time you spend worrying about your Conway Corporation statement, the more time you can spend enjoying your Conway Corporation services – and that’s what we want. Click here to learn more about our paperless statements service and see if it’s right for you.